- From The Howard Stern Show - The Reverend Bob Levy
- Author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Comedy Writing
From New York City Jim Mendrinos
- Former Seinfeld writer Keith Barany
- Comedy Network Star Dez Reed
- COCA Comedian of the Year Kelly Taylor
- From Los Angeles Greg Vacarello
- From The Conan O'Brien Show David Goldstein
- From Brooklyn Tommy Savitt
- From Los Angeles Danny Hizami
- From Detroit Steve Sabo
And a plethora of other stand up comedians from around the world
Tentative Venues include
Credit Union Place, Saskatoon
The Casino Regina Show Lounge
Other towns and cities the festival will be visiting include:
Prince Albert
- Yorkton - Langenberg - Kelliher and more.
The festival requires volunteers and corporate sponsors, for information
on the festival call 1-888-LAFFTER